Showing 38 Result(s)

Smartphone Use and Mental Health

Smartphones have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family, work on-the-go, and access endless amounts of information. However, as our reliance on smartphones has grown, so too have the negative effects they can have on our mental health. According to a 2021 survey by the …

Tips on How to Support a New Mom

Becoming a new mom is an exciting and joyous event, but it can also be completely overwhelming and exhausting. Sleepless nights, body changes, hormone fluctuations, and a whole new identity are just a few of the changes new moms experience right out of the gate. As a friend, you may be wondering how you can …

better sleep

How Sleep Affects Your Mental Health

Did you brush your teeth this morning? Did you take a shower? Did you put on deodorant? You might be thinking, “Of course, what silly questions”, but then let me also ask you—did you get enough sleep last night? Despite the robust research pointing to the importance of adequate sleep each night, many of us …