Showing 38 Result(s)

Thinking About Starting Therapy?

Therapy. What are your thoughts on it? Positive? Uncertain? Neutral? Curious? Therapy and mental health are becoming less of a taboo subject and much more widely embraced as another necessary component of overall wellness. Perhaps if you have never tried therapy, you have questions about the process. Starting therapy can be an intimidating experience for …

The Power Behind Setting Boundaries

Have you assessed your boundaries recently? Do you think of yourself as someone who has healthy boundaries or rigid/porous boundaries? Perhaps you are not sure and need to learn more about the topic and why it is such an important aspect of our mental health. We will break it down for you in today’s blog …

Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert?

Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? Or maybe a combination of both? Introverts and extroverts are two of the most commonly discussed personality traits, however, being introverted or extroverted is not a black-and-white issue. There are many shades of gray in between the two, and most people exhibit traits of both. In …


How Often Do You Experience STRESS?

Daily? Occasionally? Constantly? Stress is an inevitable part of life. It can be caused by many factors, including work, relationships, finances, and health issues. While stress is a normal and necessary response to danger or a threat, chronic stress can have negative effects on your body and mental health. In this blog post, we will …